What is Alpha cad?
Welcome to alpha cad.
Alpha cad is a 2D Add on program for Auto cad.
The program is not intent to replace Auto CAD, but is an extension of its own commands, for more productivity and ease of design.
Is a powerful, reliable, parametric Architectural program, mainly aim, to those who use Auto CAD to design 2D architectural projects as well as engineering designs.
All programming languages are provided by Auto CAD, specific for this purpose to customize and enhance commands.
Why to use alpha cad?
The program is a complete package of parametric commands, with dialogue boxes, for all aspects of cad drafting, from setup a drawing to plot.
Repeated actions or tasks with calculations are made automatically and drawn with precision.
See the power for architectural objects, layers, annotation, dimensions, blocks and much more.
Watch these series of videos and try the program to feel the power of each command.
Interface of the Program.
Install the program and watch set_paths.mp4 file to set up alpha cad properly.
When you start Auto cad, you will notice no difference. Set alpha cad profile current, and alpha cad workspace to see all commands of the program.
You can set commands to be displayed on toolbars or on ribbons.
About commands.
All commands are grouped in categories for easy access and are found on Toolbars, on Ribbons and on Menus.
Common auto cad commands are found within the alpha cad tab for easy access.
Buttons with fly-out, have extra commands of the same group.
The arrangement of commands in your downloaded version, may be slightly different than what is shown here, since is an alive program.
All commands have a short description for what are intent to do. Hover and hold mouse over buttons to see descriptions.
Always read command line for extra options when you are in a command. Type capital letter to enter an option.
Try all commands and their options to feel the power of the program.
Watch all tutorial videos to see all abilities of Cad on Alpha.
Download the program.
First visit our website at www alpha cad.eu.
Register and sign in to create your account page.
Download, install the program and watch set_paths.mp4 file to set up alpha cad properly.
You may try it for 30 days completely free.
After trial period is expired, purchase, or program subscription is required.
Run activate command from alpha panel. Your account page will open to select license type to purchase.
See our website for more information and time extension plans.
www alpha cad.eu
Install the program.
To install the program follow the steps:
1. Visit cad on alpha website on www cad on alpha.com.
2. Download installer for the program.
3. Run installer to copy all necessary files on your hard disk.
Files are copied in a new created directory in program files, called cad on alpa.
4. Start auto cad, and type at command prompt, “cad on alpha.lsp”. Exit auto cad.
5. Restart auto cad. Now a new tab, called “Cad on alpa”, is available for all commands.
Enjoy your new cad.
Who can benefit from Cad on Alpha.
The Cad on alpha, is an extension of Auto CAD, works in it, and is intended to enhances and make it more effective.
This program is mainly aimed, at those who use Auto CAD for 2D design architectural projects, as well as for structural design, and Mechanical projects. There are also a limited number of commands for 3d objects.
The commands found in cad on alpha, created based on the needs of the programmers and have been through a number of requirements, which have raised on designing a project.
The program is not intended to replace the Auto CAD, but is an extension of its own command, for more productivity and ease of design.
All programming languages that are used herein, are provided by Auto CAD, specific for this purpose ie to customize and enhance Auto cad.
Learn the program.
This series of video will show you how to use Cad on alpha, quickly and efficiently.
Videos show all commands on panels, and explained each command separately.
We will show you how to use Cad on alpha to create a project, step by step, from beginning to end.
By the completion of the project, which covers a large part of the program’s commands, you will learn how to use the appropriate commands for each case.
Share our webpage link, www cad on alpha.com, with a friend or colleague.
Lets overview some screenshots of the program.